
The world of work is changing rapidly, with home working, flexible contracts and the ‘gig economy’ becoming common. In the UK,  the many rules and regulations governing employment relationships cannot keep up with the fast pace of change.  This was the case even before the pandemic.   In October 2016, the government commissioned an independent review…

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Mental Health in the workplace

It’s the Mental Health Foundation’s “Mental Health Awareness Week” 9-15 May and the theme this year is loneliness.  Their website reminds us that loneliness is a significant public health issue. It remains one of the key indicators of poor mental health, as being connected to other people in a way that helps us feel valued…

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Spot Bias In Your Workplace

Bias in the workplace

The theme for International Women’s Day in 2022 is “#BreakTheBias, but you have to notice it in the first place. … You’re in a team meeting.  Your female colleague is late. You’ve noticed she’s seemed very stressed since she got back from maternity leave and has missed a couple of deadlines. Your boss starts the…

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Grievances: What do they ever achieve for anyone?


Law makers seem to think that grievances are going to solve workplace problems hence the ACAS code on grievances. But my question is ‘How?’ The employee raises a complaint: the employer considers it and denies everything for fear of self-incrimination. Somehow out of this process the employee and employer will resolve things? This could not…

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Getting to YESS : Dispute resolution without litigation

Employment Law Solicitors and Mediator meeting around table

WORKPLACE DISPUTE RESOLUTION WITHOUT LITIGATION Life is too short to litigate: this is the view of most employees.  Most disputes can be resolved by constructive dialogue between the parties if they focus on finding a solution rather than legal threats. Camilla Palmer, summarises the experience of YESS in achieving resolution without litigation. Workplace disputes are…

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The Power of an Apology


Why do some lawyers advise their clients never to apologise – even when there has been some mismanagement, misunderstanding or misrepresentation? Of course, an admission of liability is (generally) to be avoided but an apology does not necessarily involve an admission. YESS sees so many employees who just want an apology and an acknowledgement that…

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